Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'm back after hibernate for a year! XD

A very outdated blog... *wallpalm*
I have quit my job and now is working with a new job that is much more free and I can draw back!!! (yay, for me!!) \(@__@)/

This year, I'm slowly doing the things that I wanted to do and I'm at my pace right now. *peace*

.::tah picca!::.
- Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter -

- Me cosplay a him -
*credit to Mylen Musa as photographer*

Owh, my babies also multiplying~~ ahahahaha~
Right now I have 11 of them.

.:tah names:.
1. Brietta - CCE doll
2. Clarita - CCE doll
3. Fairyna - Byul Pollon
4. Hesse - Isul Hamilton
5. Siry Strawberry - Byul Siry
6. Kingsley Yucca - Isul Romantic King
7. Pierre Tantus - Taeyang Tantus
8. Reilly Richt - Taeyang Richt
9. Vivace Castiel - Taeyang Natsume
10. Ivorine Milch - Dal Milch
11. Lucas Midnight - Isul Midnight Deja Vu

... and planning to get more...-runs- XD

See ya!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Brietta and Little Sebby~

Here is some pictures of my Brietta and Little Sebby~ <3

Looking outside the window..

Behind me is Dewan Undangan Negeri!!

Brietta: Why are you staring at me? 
Little Sebby: Did I stare at you?

Deep in my eyes... @_@

Hm.. Where did bocchan went?...

All the bread gone and we take our piccy here~ X3

I'm thinking of making Hot Chocolate drinks tonite.. hm..

Next week Brietta will have New Siblings ~~ >> Clairita~!! XD (or shall i say this Thursday? O_O
I'm Still waiting for my baby boy... >.>

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Baby Boy

yes!yes! Right now i'm in process of buying a new baby boy for myself~ X3
What it is? 
i wont told until next month. LOL

I made a dress for my baby girl >> Brietta and it failed! DX
wanna see her dress?

that's all. jya~~

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brietta - Blyhte -

My Lovely Brietta~!! X3

"Can I use the phone? Can I? Can I??"

"Let's go for a walk!"


Isn't she adorable~?  (O_o)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


hihihihihi~~ I've cosplayed as Zero from Vampire Knight on Kyan!me event at Spring, June last year 
and special thanks 
to Uepu-san for borrowing me this Zero's costume and wig. Luv U SOOOOOOO MUCH!!

Well, that was my first ever Cosplaying~!!! YAYY!! It was fun, so much FUN.. UBER FUN!!! \(*A*)/
Below are some piccy of me and Uepu-san(cosplay as Yui from K-ON) 

Me and Uepu 

Me with FF bishies~  I'm short!! (TAT'') 
*behold the height of the real male!! * *cries~cries~

(caught using Uepu's hp camera)

Yui is speechless.... XD 

K-ON Girls

DAMN!!! My phone camera not good!!! (T__T) 

I want to cosplay more!! MOREE!!! MOARRR!!! /(#A#)/~ *:: 

-Some spooky event that I have encounter last week-
>> First I want to remind you all... if you ever booked a room at Grand Mar****** Hotel... avoid booking at level 9!!! (TAT'')
>> Ma~ Ci~pui!! ader ker patut?? Masa tu hujan lebat kilat memancar dgn cerahnyer.. Tepat kul 3 pagi pas habis tengok citer Saiyuki... Nak tido, baru jer pusing hadap kawan -Face 2 face- Baru tutup mata and then ku bukak mata balik! Apasal? sebab ku ternampak sesuatu yang x kena ngan kawan ku tu... Bila tengok balik kat dia yang dah nenyak giler tido, (jelesnyer ku tgk dia tido, best gilak!) ehhh....?? Sejak bila kawan ku ni ader tangan Xtra?.. (kuku panjang yang tipikal ader kat sume Hantu dan warna kelabu pucat..tipikal gak) Punya la lama ku tenung tangan Xtra tu.. 
TUP!TUP! tangan tu bergerak! SAH! ku tengok benda yang bukan sepatutnya ader kat dunia manusia! EEKKK!!! slow2 ku tutup mata dan cun2 mataku tertutup.. KENA HEMPAP LAR PLAK???!!  cilakak punya hantu... siap humming lagi masa hempap aku! (Xder tempat len ker nak baring?!) Nak gerak, x dapat... Last2 ku give up and wat2 tido... X lama camtu baru mende tu pergi... 
>> Apa perasaan ku masa tu? Geram n sakit hati btol! Takde orang len ker nak kacau??

>> Beberapa hari kemudian, bos ku citer yang pak ciknyer ader kena kacau masa tinggal ket hotel, dan bilik dia tido tu .... bersebelahan dengan bilik ku kena kacau malam tu... LOL  

>> Ada caya? Suke ati korang lar nak caya ato x.. Bila dah kena, baru ku caya... /(*A*)\ ..

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Ya!! you!!! ya!! ya!!!YOU!!! I know that you are reading this crappy blog of mine!
Surprise isn't it? How do I know?.. Its a secret ma... aiyo..
Blog ku yang crappy nie pun ader org nak bace ker?

Owh, that person in the picture up there is ME! LOL me!! 
hahaha.... *faint* 

*rise from the dead* 
 This is just the intro..just wait for my coming crappy bla!bla!bla! posts..
and I will upload pictures of my cuties and bishies and etc..

Till then, Jya~